
Q&A with Benjamin Twigg – Author Interview

Join us for an exclusive Q&A with Benjamin Twigg, the talented author of Dad Magic. In this engaging interview, Benjamin opens up about his creative process, the inspiration behind his latest work, and what readers can look forward to next. Don’t miss this behind-the-scenes look at his journey as a writer!

About The Author

Tell us more about you

I am Benjamin Twigg, or Ben, I am queer Australian fantasy indie author. I am also the Harbinger of Chaos, but that is meant to be a secret. I grew up in a relatively small rural town in South Australia amongst a lot of basketball communities, as well as being raised as one of five brothers. The only confirmed queer and therefore best son! 

My favourite colour has gone through a journey. It started off blue, then green like my eyes and now we are a perfect mix at teal. At eleven, my appendix burst and I almost died of sepsis because the rural hospital I was at didn’t transfer me in time to a proper hospital. I have a unique relationship with death as it has followed me my entire life, and I like to think something is keep me here. If it is true, why not write gay lil fantasy stories and cause havoc!

What are the three items you’d take on a deserted island?

I can’t live without my KKW contour. Ok, for serious now. I would take a book I can’t finish – maybe Mistborn, A water bottle and my dog. 

Who is your biggest role model?

To be mushy, my father and my partner. I look up to them both and how they have worked hard and faced adversity in their life and still keep pushing on and achieving their goals. It inspired me to keep on pushing with my writing. 

What is your favourite book and who is your favourite author?

My favourite book is The Elfstones of Shannara by Terry Brooks. He is also my favourite author. My favourite indie author is – all my indie author friends! 

Do you prefer e-books, physical books or audiobooks?


Is writing your full-time profession or a hobby?

It is a full-time hobby for now and I would love for it to transfer into a full-time job but a long journey for that. My current job is in Government and that’s all I am at liberty to say. 

What social media platform do you like and use the most?

I do prefer to use Instagram, even if their platform is increasingly becoming unsafe for LGBTQIA2S+ folk. 

I am on a lot of socials, to ensure my name is used correctly, so far, my only competition is Benjamin Twiggs, a USA/Michigan-based cherry company. 

My social channels are:

Your Writing Process

How do you go about starting a new novel?

I work on vibes and feelings. A pantser by trade. Even my debut book – it came about from a Reddit prompt. I like to jump in and get a feel for the world and characters and write a first draft. I always find the first draft is telling the story to myself, and the second and revisions after are telling the story properly. 

It is like the above, vibes and feelings. I will sit there and process what I want it to be. Or what the characters tell me in my head what they want to say. I am adding new POV’s atm in my next project and they take some time when I am directly in their heads. 

Where do you like to write?

At home, at my desk. I used to be able to write every Wednesday at work during my lunch break but things have changed and work got busier. 

What do you like most about writing?

Not being isolated, that’s for sure. But I love that it is just me, and the characters talking about having a good time. It’s like playing a game of DnD by myself. It grants me the freedom to express myself how I wish, and no one can say that – that idea – is too much or gone too far. I leave that for the editing process. 

What do you find stops you from writing more?

Time. Money. All the humanly things. My dog, too. Love her, but she just gives me those big brown eyes, and I melt. 

What genres do you like to write and why?

Fantasy, Sci-Fi. As long as it’s queer. 

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to aspiring writers?

Keep on writing. Don’t stop and edit as you go. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of adequate. 

Showcase your books!

How many books have you written and if more than one, what’s your favourite?

I have written many books before my debut, published work. But Dad Magic is 100% my favourite body of work I have ever spent time on. All my other books were trying to be what I thought the world wanted. What I thought I wanted to be as an author.

Then when Dad Magic’s concept came to me, I realised. No, I need to write what I want to write. What I want to say and convey. I became unlimited and unstoppable. I put so much of myself, my humour and all the references to my childhood, games, tv shows, movies etc. ALL INTO A BLENDER and it became this amazing thing. Dad Magic is so special to me. It is my child. And I am so happy to announce that I am also writing its sequel currently as well as many interconnected books and worlds. Some stand alone and some will require some knowledge from prior books. 

How long did Dad Magic take you to write?

From concept to beginning to writing and finishing, it took me two whole years, give or take. 

Lastly, what is your favourite thing about being an author?

Connecting with readers and other authors. These connections mean the world to me and seeing people take joy in the worlds I build truly inspire me to keep going. If I can make one person happy with my books, I am a success. I have had the opportunity to join in a queer run anthology which has released as of today (20/1/25). My story was accepted and I am honoured to be involved – available here for those who wish to check it out. 

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Dad Magic by Benjamin Twigg

Discover the heartwarming charm of Dad Magic by Benjamin Twigg, a touching tale celebrating the magic of fatherhood and unforgettable family moments.

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